Monitors assigned a Community Trademark
Global Display Solutions has been assigned a Community Trademark registration for its e-Signage range of monitors.
Global Display Solutions (GDS), global expert in the design and manufacture of industrial displays, has been assigned a Community Trademark registration for its groundbreaking e-Signage range of monitors. This registration guarantees that GDS's e-Signage trademark is protected throughout all the member states of the European Union (EU) for 10 years starting in June 2004. The registration can be renewed for subsequent 10-year periods.
The registration certificate was issued by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) and the Community Trade Mark number is 3874278.
GDS's e-Signage displays provide information, promotion and crowd control opportunities for a range of industries worldwide including transport, retail, entertainment, advertising, banking, education and corporate entertainment.
The sleek, modern appearance of the monitors is complemented by a robust industrial design for enhanced durability all year round in even the most challenging environments.
The innovative e-Signage range marks the next stage in the continued growth of GDS and its commitment to remain at the forefront of new technologies and products in the display solutions industry.
The trend for using electronic signage for marketing and information display purposes is rapidly growing across many industries.
This market is predicted to reach $14 billion by 2009.
With this in mind, GDS has continued to build on its expertise and long history of success in the design and development of information displays to ensure it has a full range of inspiring e-signage products to offer its customers.
GDS's e-Signage range comprises of large screen, moving floor and touchscreen LCD displays.
GDS's large screen monitors are available in three sizes (32in, 37in and 46in) and they feature a removable frame, which enables them to be panelled together behind a single pane of glass, giving the impression of a single, extra-large display.
The moving floor displays are capable of supporting five tonnes of weight, are virtually weatherproof, slip resistant and are proofed from scratches and graffiti.
Touchscreen displays use optical imaging technology enabling users to interact with the display by touch.
The touch can be registered up to 1mm before physical contact on the screen's surface.
GDS is a world-leading manufacturer of industrial display solutions for a number of industries worldwide including kiosks, retail, advertising, entertainment, banking, marine, process and transport.
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