Friday, October 06, 2006

Carbon Trust operates Energy Technology List

The Carbon Trust has taken over the management of the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs with effect .

The Carbon Trust has taken over the management of the EnhancedCapital Allowance (ECA) scheme on behalf of the Department forEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs with effect from 5 August2002. To coincide with this, a number of new initiatives havebeen launched including the expansion of the Energy TechnologyList and a marketing programme which has been created to helpmanufacturers, suppliers and purchasers promote and identifyqualifying equipment. The Energy Technology List details therange of energy-saving products and technologies that can qualifyfor 100 per cent first year allowances under the Enhanced CapitalAllowance (ECA) scheme.

As of 5 August 2002 the list ofqualifying products and technologies has been expanded fromboilers, pipe insulation, thermal screens, Combined Heat andPower, lighting, motors, variable speed drives and refrigerationequipment, to include heat pumps for space heating, warm air andradiant heaters, solar thermal systems, and compressed airequipment (as well as the expansion of the existing technologyclass for boilers to include efficient oil-fired condensingboilers and the inclusion of refrigeration cabinets andcompressors in the refrigeration category).

To help promotequalifying products and technologies a new Energy Technology Listsymbol has been developed.

In addition, the Enhanced CapitalAllowance website,, has been relaunched with anonline exhibition to help the end-user find suitable products andtechnologies on the Energy Technology List.

The benefits of thisinitiative are: * The Energy Technology List helps companiesidentify energy-efficient products and technologies which canqualify for the 100 per cent first year allowance under the ECAscheme as well as save on long term operating costs.

* Companieswith products on the Energy Technology List can now use the newEnergy Technology List symbol to give themselves a competitiveadvantage over other products on the market.

The EnergyTechnology List symbol demonstrates that the product isindependently endorsed and can benefit from the environmental andfiscal advantages associated with the ECA scheme.

As manager ofthe ECA scheme, the Carbon Trust's responsibilities nowinclude the maintenance of the Energy Technology and ProductLists, as well as the identification and assessment of furthertechnologies that could merit support through the scheme.