Data acquisition for Rockwell Software's RSBizWare
The Historian module extends the reporting, analysis and management capabilities of the RSBizWare foundation by providing a powerful set of tools to analyse a wide variety of time-series data.
Rockwell Automation, announces the launch of Rockwell Software's RSHistorian, one of several modules in Rockwell Software's RSBizWare family of extendable applications. The Historian module extends the reporting, analysis and management capabilities of the RSBizWare foundation by providing a powerful, yet simple set of tools to analyse a wide variety of time-series process data. The Historian's tools provide the user with an environment that makes drilling into the most complex process data, as simple as dragging the analysis tool of choice onto the appropriate data set.
Even the novice user can be up and running in minutes.
RSHistorian is a repository for historical data, built on industry standard open relational database technology.
Tightly coupled to RSSql and RSView for data collection, Historian is supplied with a pre- designed model for data logging, and offers the ability to use data from external tables.
Rich reporting, graphing and querying functionality make it a complete and easy-to-use solution for data collection and analysis.
Historian consists of a server component and three client options.
The server component runs as an NT service and handles interactions with the database and RSSql.
An ActiveX Read-Only client works with RSView32 or any other ActiveX host, such as Visual Basic.
Stand alone, Read-Only and Authoring clients are also available.
All clients are self-hosting, self-installing and self-repairing, and run over TCP/IP, so they can be deployed over a LAN, WAN, intranet or the Internet.
Included with Historian is Microsoft SQL Server for data storage, and RSSql industrial transaction manager for data collection.
When installed, Historian installs both SQL Server and RSSql and builds a default database data model for data collection and reporting.
It will also support Oracle databases.
RSSql transaction manager software serves as the primary data collection system for Historian.
Wizards allow the user to identify data points in the control system for logging to Historian data tables, and create all the necessary RSSql transactions automatically.
Historian is tightly coupled with RSView32.
It can connect directly to RSView Data Logger Tables for reporting, analysis, and storage in the Historian database.
Included with Historian are a complete set of charting and graphing tools including trends, bar charts, pie charts, XY plots and histograms.
With its drag and drop interface, graphs can be quickly generated.
Graphs displayed on the user's screen are intelligently sampled, and built-in zooming capabilities allow the user to drill down to the raw data points.
Historian includes a friendly query building tool that provides the flexibility to retrieve virtually any different kind of data set required.
Historian also provides the most common analysis tools including: Average, Moving Average, Geometric Average, Range, Standard Deviation, Moving Standard Deviation, Cumulative Sum and Regression Analysis.
There is also a sophisticated tool to archive any time series data to CD or tape.
A major benefit of RS Historian, is its ability to turn masses of confusing production data into useful information without the need for detailed knowledge of database technology.
It is designed to be a complete and easy to use solution for data collection and analysis.
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