Interface module introduces fieldbus networking
Fieldbus interface module provides an interface between FOUNDATION fieldbus devices and any host monitoring control system with Modbus RTU capability.
The new Rosemount Model 3420 Fieldbus Interface Module from Emerson Process Management provides an interface between foundation fieldbus devices and any host monitoring / control system with Modbus RTU capability. This innovative product supports monitoring applications that use any of the FOUNDATION fieldbus instrumentation from Emerson. The Fieldbus Interface Module (FIM) allows users in plants that do not have fieldbus I/O to obtain the benefits of fieldbus networking, such as the diagnostic information available from intelligent instruments, and opens up the enhanced capabilities of FOUNDATION fieldbus instrumentation, including multi-variable and multi-sensor devices.
The FIM delivers immediate efficiencies to such legacy systems, while providing a stepping stone to achieving the full benefits of PlantWeb digital plant architecture.
Each FIM provides conditioned power for up to four FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 segments, with the potential to connect up to 64 fieldbus devices, 16 on each segment.
In temperature applications using the Rosemount Model 848T multi-input temperature transmitter, over 400 temperature points can be monitored using a single FIM and four H1 cable segments round the plant.
Installation savings of 30% or more can be realised compared to conventional wiring of temperature transmitters, while providing a more robust and accurate temperature measurement.
The Model 3420 is powered by 24VDC and provides power to each of the devices on the FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 segments.
Optional power conditioners integral to the IP65 enclosure provide a simple package that can be installed in any indoor or outdoor general purpose area, as an option ATX-CENELEC Type n approval is available, allowing the 3420 to be mounted in a Zone 2 certified area.
Configuration of the fieldbus devices and setup of the Model 3420 is accomplished using an embedded web server and any standard internet browser on a PC.
This Ethernet connection can be made part of a plant intranet network, to allow site engineers to gain remote access to the field measurement data and plant diagnostic information over the fieldbus communications.
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