Do you just guess the price or really quote?
In many companies, quoting certain jobs has become a real problem, but there is now software that generates accurate quotes in a very fast and simple way.
Do you just guess the price or do you really quote? In many companies, quoting certain jobs has become a real problem. Up against delivery deadlines and accurate production plans, doing a quote can be a troublesome and time-wasting process, but nonetheless it is a crucial process.
Lantek has developed a solution to this with a powerful module capable of generating accurate quotes in a very fast and simple way.
The name of this new solution is Lantek Expert III Quotes.
Lantek Expert III Quotes enables the user to quote parts received in DXF format, existing parts in our database which have been produced before, and even parts sent by customers by fax or telephone.
One of the major features of the Quotes module is a quick drawing program which enables the user to make a sketch of a part in just a few seconds.
This is a very useful tool when receiving a hand made drawing by fax or when the dimensions of the part have been described over the telephone.
Taking this drawing as a basis, the user selects the machine that is to cut or punch the part, and the system calculates the cost for the operation, taking the following variables into account: 1.
Material cost.
Machining cost (machining time + consumables).
Additional processes (deburring, painting, folding, welding, shearing, etc).
When the machining time for a specific machine has been calculated, the software allows the user to go back to step 2 and select a different technology or machine for carrying out the job, in order to compare prices and choose the most profitable and economical alternative.
This process can also be performed for different materials.
Benefits * Time saving or up to 80% on quoting.
* Significant increase in quote accuracy.
* A sketch or a part can be drawn in just a few seconds, using a quick drawing assistant, with no need to go into the CAD module to actually draw the part.
* Quotes can be compared: if a job has been carried out with a laser machine, for example, the cost of doing the same job on a punching machine, or even on two different laser machines, can be calculated and compared.
* The profitability or a particular machine can be evaluated.
* Consumables and additional operations are included in the quote.
* The Quotes module allows the user to increase or reduce the profit margin and the quote can be recalculated with different profit margins.
* Remnants and scraps can be assigned in the final quote.
* When the quote has been accepted by the customer, it can simply be turned into an order and sent to production.
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